Have you ever wondered how people are able to sell products like phone accessories online from the comfort of their homes? The phone accessory business is a $72 billion and counting industry. We have the information you need to get started listing your phone accessories at auction sites like eBay and online retailers. This article explores answers to questions such as “How do I find a phone accessory wholesaler I can trust?”, “What is involved in setting up a store online?”, and “What are the hottest selling phone accessories?”. Read on to learn some of our easy tips for customers looking to break into this globally appreciating industry.
Decide Who, What, & Where
Once you have received a tax ID for your business, you can begin buying phone accessories at wholesale prices. But, first, you need to determine what you want to sell, the buyer demographics you want to sell it to, and the venue you will use to sell your items. The targeted customer base and your budget often determine if you want to sell only power banks and phone cases or go big with adding Apple Airpods and Bluetooth headsets. Then, you will want to review the different online venues such as eBay or Shopify to see how much they charge for you to use their site and customer base for your transactions.
Select a Wholesaler & Stock Up
Now that you have determined if you going to sell less expensive accessories, a wide variety, or high-end accessories only and you know how much selling it at your venue of choice will cost, you are ready to go shopping for a trusted wholesaler. By locating the accessories in their catalog, you are ready to contact the wholesaler for a quote. Use this quote to compare with the market prices online and other wholesaler quotes for the same make and model. This also gives you an idea of how much to charge your buyers.
For Mighty Wireless, you would need to register as a business by clicking User Registration. After receiving approval to make a purchase, you simply note the item ID and volume needed in an email to us directly or use our form online for your convenience. We are confident you will find we offer the lowest prices and faster shipping on thousands of fully stocked wholesale phone accessories. Also, we back our quality products and in-house packaging expertise with a full refund for any defective items. Check us out! You will love working with us!
Register on the Website as a Seller
After you have ordered your discount phone accessories, this is a great time to register your business on your venue as a seller. To do this with most online retailers, you create an account with your contact information and payment preferences. eBay only requires an email address where other companies will ask for more information. A useful tip is to keep your business address, email, phone number, and tax ID handy for any purchases as well as business registrations.
Post your Items with Full Descriptions
For eBay, you click “Sell” from any page to begin. From here, you can begin posting your accessory description and photos. Sites like Shopify may require more information before you begin selling. However, you should be up and running with posting your items quickly.
When posting, try to take professional photos to upload with your description. Some manufacturers will even give you the description and promotional pics to use. In addition, videos are great attention grabbers that offer the bonus of teaching buyers about the accessory’s features and how to use the product.
A final note on pricing, if you select an auction site like eBay, you will need to decide if you are going to list the market price you wish to sell the item with no bidding involved or if you want to use the auction format to attract buyers and hope they will place higher bids than the starting price before the time runs out. Both methods of selling can be profitable. There is more risk with allowing people to bid on the price of the accessory. That said, the ending price could be greater than expected in an auction just as easily.
Ask for a 5 Star Review
Whatever method you choose for selling your accessories, be sure to ask for a “5 Star Review” from your customers. We suggest sending them a nice notecard with their purchase on which you thank them for their business, leave them with a way to contact you with any concerns, and politely explain at the bottom how you would appreciate a “5 Star Review” to share their satisfaction with the product and customer service they received. Many people enjoy writing reviews for businesses, and getting good reviews shows potential buyers you are a reputable seller they can trust.
In short, the phone accessory business is booming! With each new phone, people are purchasing phone cases, chargers, car mounts, and more. You can avoid some of the pitfalls new businesses face while taking part in this explosive industry by following the tips above. Pretty soon, you will be selling phone accessories online like a pro!