If you are not using these 5 video platforms to highlight your products online, you are missing out on a significant sales opportunity. Best of all, they're FREE! So, what are you waiting for? Start your video sharing today!
Maximize Your Website Content
It may seem obvious, but the first place you should be listing your highlighted product videos is on a custom website that has been created with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and mobile readiness in mind. This way, you have an online resource for giving consumers updated information about your eCommerce store and the items you carry. However, if it is search engine-friendly and looks just as great on a cell phone as it does on a pc or laptop, then you are already ahead of many of your competitors in the rankings. Now, you just need to refresh your blog periodically and, yes, your product "How to" or "About" videos for those items you want to catch the eye of online shoppers, and presto! You have already created a way to organically reach more people online.
Utilize Google My Business
Another way to grab Google's attention for better search return rankings is to complete your business information on Google My Business and provide frequent image, blog, and video postings of your store and products. When you want to get this powerful search engine to notice your website above the competition, a detailed listing on their own free online business resource is an excellent start! This shows their algorithm you are a current and trustworthy business with loads of helpful information to share with their users. Plus, by taking a moment to keep your profile current with fresh postings, you will be providing more clickbait for those who pull up your Google My Business feature. It's a win-win that takes very little time!
Add Interest to Your Facebook Page
Of course, if it was that simple to sell your products online, then you would not need to create a business page on social media channels like Facebook. On the other hand, by taking advantage of Facebook's free services like Facebook Stories and video posting options, you can create a page that captures a growing number of views from a global passive audience. To put it another way, that's up to 2.45 billion active Facebook users waiting to learn about your eCommerce site! Where search engines focus on users who are actively looking for the items you carry, social media pages can build interest through showing product highlights and demonstrations while consumers are catching up with friends or trolling for unique finds. Then, when they are ready to make a purchase, your store will have a better chance of being their first stop for all the items on their list!
Don't Forget About Instagram!
If Facebook was a king, then Instagram would be the queen. This powerful social media channel has up to 1 billion active users per month checking in and 500 million Instagram Story users. Moreover, 90% of Internet users report watching a video online monthly and 92% of Instagram users report following a brand, clicking on a website, or making a purchase from a company after seeing the company's posts or ads. What this means to you as a business owner is video sharing on Instagram can be a real game-changer!
Should I Start a Vlog on YouTube?
Absolutely! With more than 2 billion monthly users and 33% of the world's population over the age of 13 actively watching videos posted on this platform, business owners should not overlook this invaluable free marketing resource. What we love most about YouTube and all social media channels for that matter is your content does not have to look like you hired a professional advertising service to gain followers. Taking out your smartphone and recording an employee or your family members using the products works just as well as making a state-of-the-art video as long as the content is engaging.
What Types of Videos Should I Post?
At this point, you may be wondering what you should post that will keep your audience focused on your company name or the items you carry. Top suggestions to try include instructional videos, fun demos, or hilarious spoofs that relate to your products, company, industry, or targeted audience. An example is recording your family members using different Mighty Wireless accessories and talking about how they cannot believe the superior quality for such a low price! If we were posting a video, it might be on how we carry the top wholesale items on everyone's holiday, birthday, or just because wishlist while requiring low minimums that are perfect for any size reseller business. The length of the video varies by channel, but you can see some recommendations here.
Hence, with so many free options for getting your products in front of more video viewers, you can have a blast deciding which you like posting on the best. When you are ready for more inventory to move, be sure to check out our HUGE selection of top quality products being sold at the lowest prices you'll find anywhere! Stock up on the accessories your shoppers really want by registering with Mighty Wireless, Inc. today!